Monday, June 22, 2009

Symbiotic Relationships

I suppose the following pearls of wisdom are intended to be mildly humorous, but not really. Mostly this is just a picture of reality.

Over the last half a century I have had relationships with several wonderful women. I was married to three intelligent, beautiful, and high energy ladies. Sequentially of course, not concurrently. I was always completely faithful to each of my wives.

At first these relationships were great. Good sex, the woman being kind, supportive, and polite, and me protecting and defending them, and providing a decent income. But the good part where both of us were happy never seemed to last more than a year or two. My longest marriage lasted seven years, but we were not ever really happy except in the beginning.

The way that our marriages and relationships evolved over time there seemed to be a lot of competition involved. The ladies were always trying to prove that they were smarter or somehow better than me. I did my best to foster a cooperative relationship in a variety of ways including doing my own laundry. But each of my wives just couldn’t seem to accept the irrefutable fact that I was the prime provider for the family. They couldn’t ever find a role that was comfortable and fulfilling for themselves.

When they tried working they detested the fact that there were demanding men who were their supervisors. These bosses actually behaved like they were better than them. How dare they! They found earning a living and having to go to work each and every day rather distressing. Yet when they tried staying at home taking on the very important roles of Mother and General Manager of the Household they also found this to be stultifying.

They just couldn’t seem to be happy living in the present, they were always looking towards the future or the past. I guess that is a problem that people in general have.

For the last few years I have enjoyed the pleasure of being retired and living with a dog. My little doggie is very empathetic and sensitive towards me. If I am not feeling well he tries to comfort me. I feed him, take him for walks out in the desert, and throw the tennis ball for him to fetch. We genuinely have a symbiotic relationship. Each of us gives to the other, trying to make his life nicer than it would have been otherwise. And in return what we receive is a friendship which is far better than we would have had.

This symbiotic relationship between domesticated canines and semi-domesticated homo sapiens goes back thousands of years. So it has had ample time to work out the kinks. The relationship between a man and woman goes back even further, but the inherent aggressiveness of human beings of both genders still makes these relationships a bit testy. The prime purpose of a man and a woman getting together is to perpetuate the species. This is hard wired in. Once the sex act is over, and the child is born and raised, the marital relationship seems to be a waste of time.

I am telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth when I say that after all these years of trying both types of friendship, I’ll take the companionship of a dog far over the relationship with any human female. And no doubt most of these women feel just about the same way about men.
