Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Is It Wrong To Kill An Abortionist?

I am genuinely shocked to see the appearance of articles with titles like “Is It Wrong To Kill An Abortionist?”

What kind of a society would tolerate inflammatory and seditious talk like this? It is sort of like openly asking, “Is It Wrong To Kill A Drug Dealer?” Or maybe, “Is It Wrong To Kill A SUV Salesman?”

What about advocating the murder of those doctors who work for health insurance companies and whose bonuses are tied to how many procedures and health insurance claims that they deny?

There are appropriate limits to free speech. If an adult openly advocates heroin use by children, just his use of his right to free speech will land him in jail. Same goes with the person who yells fire in a movie theater when in fact there is no fire at all.

This sort of talk is outrageous and deplorable even when it is coming from the right wing Religious Fundamentalists, the bizarre oxycontin strung out fringe like Rush Limbaugh, or the blatantly dishonest and anti-democracy news media like FOX.

Of course it is wrong to take human life, you crude low life swine. Do you remember what your fringe, right wing movement is called? It goes by the name “Pro-Life” you mentally deranged lunatics. Newspaper and internet editors who publish articles like this are off their rockers.
