Friday, May 22, 2009

Universal Health Care

I know this will offend many of my fellow Decocrats. I really am sorry about that, but it needs to be said anyway.
President Obama and the other political leaders from both parties are not providing the leadership that is needed to make sure that everyone in America receives access to the health care system.

Too many of the leaders in the Senate and Congress are truly afraid of the Health Insurance Companies. Not only the campaign contributions that they would have to forgo, but also the powerful lobbyists and the tremendous amount of money that will be spent on dishonest advertising campaigns to get them thrown out of office.

These political leaders are cowards. What we are watching right now is a sadistic and deceitful hoax. The American people may be stupid and poorly educated, but eventually they will figure it out. When they do there is going to be hell to be paid.

Civil Rights legislation was simply politically impossible too. Until we had a president who provided strong leadership. Not just smooth talk Mr. Obama! Genuine leadership. Yes, it takes real balls and strength of character. Sorry Pal, now is the time for you to stand up for what is right. Nice eloquent words are no longer enough.

If single payer universal health care is not passed during your first administration, you will not have a second administration. And you will go down in history as nothing more than a fraud - just a fast talking con man.  George Jr. didn't read books and wasn't very bright.  But at least he had principles that he belived in and stuck to.

If you don’t care about the millions of people who are completely denied access to the health care system, think about your own Mother for heaven’s sake.
