Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Energy Security

Russia has cut off the natural gas flow to several countries right during the very coldest part of the winter. Again. They did this to achieve a contract which gets them significantly more revenue, but also to increase their political power over some of their neighbors.

This sort of geopolitical game is very normal. During the last 40 years we have seen this trick pulled time after time.

And the big-mouth, dumbass American politicians keep mouthing the words “energy independence.” But the number one priority of most politicians is fund raising. They sort of have to sell their souls to get this money to stay in power. Everything else is way down the scale of importance.

So they continue to mouth the platitudes of energy conservation, but refuse to vote to greatly increase the taxes on motor fuel. They do not vote to provide large government subsidies to anyone buying a vehicle which gets excellent fuel economy or vote for laws which provide tax penalties to those still choosing to buy a gas hog.

So it is all just talk. Sometimes I almost feel ashamed to call myself an American.
LINK: http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,599796,00.html