Saturday, January 05, 2008

Clayton Hackett

My niece Tree lives in San Antonio, Texas. She is a neat lady who works as a school teacher. Her husband Clay is in graduate school.
He has a nice Nikon digital SLR and is an excellent photographer.
They were in town over Christmas and took this picture of me and my little doggie.
My new digital camera boasts an effective 12.1 megapixels. This picture was done with a Nikon that that has an effective 6 megapixels. This ought to tell you something. Six megapixels really is plenty. And it tells me a lot about his skill as a photographer, and Nikkor lenses, and proper lighting. And to a certain degree achieving quality through quantity.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (If you click on this picture it will enlarge all of my old age visual faults to an absolutely amazing degree)



