Friday, September 22, 2006

Hurricane Approaching

This makes two times that I have watched a hurricane come in.
In August 1992 Hurricane Andrew hit the US. It was only the third category 5 hurricane to ever hit America, and is still the second worst in terms of damage caused. At the time I was living in South Louisiana a few miles from the gulf coast. My house was less then 25 feet above sea level and my back yard looked right onto a bayou.
Before Andrew hit the weather was warm and beautiful. Blue skies. Then some fine wisps of clouds. Then the wind began to pick up a little, and soon it was completely overcast. Less than 24 hours later in the middle of the night we took an absolute direct hit from the eye. It was a real thrill for a boy that grew up in the desert. I promise you.
Today is late September 2006. Fourteen years later. And the remnants of Hurricane Gordon are headed this way. It has made it clear back across the Atlantic. On the news I see that it is already raining like crazy in Ireland.
I own a little piece of land over here in Holland which I used to graze our two horses on. It takes me a couple of hours to mow it using the riding lawn mower. This afternoon it was warm. T-shirt warm. Blue sky. Incredibly nice for this time of year. By the time I finished mowing the field some wisps of clouds were beginning to show up from the Southwest. An hour later it was still blue skies to the northeast but completely overcast here. One hour after that it is totally overcast. I can hear the wind blowing a little outside now.
Update the next day, Saturday Morning. Well it is still overcast. But the wind is dead calm, the barometer is actually rising rather than falling, and so far we have not even had one drop of rain. So far I would call this "Myth Busted." At least it was nice to remember living in Louisiana.
