Double Eagle
I collect old things that have the Double Eagle symbol which was used by the rulers of the Roman Empire.
I collect old things that have the Double Eagle symbol which was used by the rulers of the Roman Empire.
Various kings and cities in Germany have also used this symbol.
So it was a real treat to find this oil lamp from the late 1800's at an antiques sale today, and even better at the giveaway price of EUR 6- (less than $10-). This oil lamp was made by T. Seyppel & Co. in Brussels, Belgium. The flame spreader says patented 1886.
So it was a real treat to find this oil lamp from the late 1800's at an antiques sale today, and even better at the giveaway price of EUR 6- (less than $10-). This oil lamp was made by T. Seyppel & Co. in Brussels, Belgium. The flame spreader says patented 1886.
The first composite picture is some of the stuff from my own personal collection.
The second picture is of various ones I have seen here and there. In this second composite picture, the third picture from the left is of the middle age city wall in the imperial city of Aachen, Germany. The wall was constructed in the late 1200's, but the double eagle symbol in the picture dates from 1690.
(if you click on the pics they will enlarge)
