George Bush and the Republicans are revolting and despicable...but it is clear what they stand for: Greed and The Almighty $ Above All Else. With a bit of racism thrown in.
What do the Democrats stand for? The Blue Dog Democrats are just Republicans who are afraid to use that name. Do the rest of the Democrats sincerely believe in ending poverty; that everyone in America should have health care and a job that pays a decent, livable wage? Who knows? Are the Democrats in favor of further deregulation? They clearly are afraid to tax the super rich the way the wealthy were taxed back when Reagan was at the helm. Are they in favor of DADT and the agenda of gay folks? What about women's rights issues like abortion? How about racism and civil rights? Where do they stand on ending the wars or on immigration? Honesty yet freedom in the press?
The Democrats no longer stand for anything of value other than staying in power and becoming more wealthy.
I guess they are better than the Republicans. I think it would be more accurate to phrase it negatively: That the Republicans are even worse than the Democrats.