Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Delusional Palestinians

The Israelis have proposed stopping their building of settlements in the West Bank in return for the Palestinians unequivocally recognizing Israel's right to exist. The Palestinians have rejected this out of hand as absolutely absurd.

How can it be possible to negotiate a peace honestly with someone when they refuse to back off on their long standing statements that do not recognize your right to exist, and that they intend to destroy you?

Of course in the meantime Israel continues its development of the good and useful land in the West Bank. The longer the Palestinians delay the peace process, the less they will end up with. They still seem to think that the right of return to their old lands is realistic; or that Israel is going to somehow deliver them Jerusalem on a platter.

Over the years the Israelis have become increasingly ethnically biased against the Palestinians. They openly discriminate against them. With each incoming Palestinian missile, the unreasoning Israeli hate for the Palestinians, the Arabs, and the Muslims grows stronger.

But whoever is giving the Palestinians advice is doing them a gross disservice. The longer that the Palestinian delusional refusal to accept reality continues, the less good land or resources will be left for the state of Palestine.
