Misogyny and Misandry
Based upon the sum of their life's experiences, some men gradually come to generally dislike women. This has nothing to do with sex, and it certainly doesn't in any way imply a sexual attraction to other men. It is normally called misogyny, a hostility towards the female gender. At least among women misogyny is seen as terribly socially unacceptable, sort of like being racially biased. When there are no women present, many men will will fess up and admit to their dislike of most things female. Breasts and vaginas which are not all worn out, i.e., less than 30 years old, are clearly the exception.
Misandry is the opposite, being a hatred or contempt of all men or boys. There is open contempt by most women of the things that men consider important, even when men are present. Examples: Ripping off a roaring fart or a good burp. It is generally accepted by women that for men to be biased against women is a sickness, but for women to be be biased against men just demonstrates their superior intelligence. This contempt is not seen as being socially unacceptable at all. Women view it as their important social mission to improve and change their man. They think this is part of the reason they were created.
I am an old geezer now, and over the span of a long life I have been married three times. Each of my wives was intelligent, charming, sexy, and attractive. They were especially charming during the early phases of the relationship, prior to our getting married. Over time I grew to dislike each of them; I'm sure that the feeling was probably mutual.
You used to hear some men say about women, “You can't live with them, and you can't live without them.” I disagree. Men do NOT need women to survive or be happy.
Having been single for the last six years I can attest that one can indeed live very happily without a woman. In fact I find that living alone (with just my neutered male doggie) is far superior to being forced to live with another person – especially a woman.