Koran Burning 2.01
It is absolutely silly all the fuss being made about this.
This guy is behaving as a good American should. People who acquiesce, lower their heads, or kiss ass in the face of religious intolerance and evil need to take a good look in the mirror. Islam is a terrible belief system, much like Nazism. It is completely intolerant to other religions, it does not allow girls to get an education, it supports suicide killings against innocents, and sharia law says that young girls need to have their clit cut off.
In America we simply don't permit burning witches at the stake or far out religious groups like the KKK. Anyone who says that Islam and Muslims should be treated with the same respect as Christianity or Judaism should go join their buddies in Al Kaida.
This pastor in Florida may be rather ignorant and not all that bright, but he knows that it is time to draw a line in the sand. This is the proper, decent American thing to do. It is time that we stand up against the brutality of Mohammedanism.