Trying To Pick A Fight
Do you want to be rude? You know how the redneck cop gets closer and closer to that drunk, speaking real loud, and intentionally invading deeper and deeper into the guy's space? It is just a tactic. The cop is hoping that the alcoholic will try to swing on him so that he can taser him, beat him up a bit, and then arrest him. It is a wildly aggressive act disguised as something relatively innocent. Completely dishonest.
Just try going to the Dachau suburb of Munich, Germany and building a place where neo-Nazis can meet, study, and commune together in a peaceful interfaith setting. Oh going to Hiroshima and building a beautiful museum which glorifies nuclear weaponry.
I am not any more anti-Muslim than I am opposed to most other organized religions. Talking snakes, guys living inside of big fishes, virgins having babies, and eating the body-drinking the blood of God's reanimated son is all a bit weird too. But I am strongly opposed to aggression and fighting. Sometimes one has no choice, and then my goal is to kick ass solidly, effectively, and quickly. But in most cases talking is vastly preferable to fighting.
Building a Muslim mosque or community center as close as possible to ground zero in New York City is this same kind of dishonest passive-aggressive act. Trying to pick a fight against Christians and Western civilization as a whole, all the while smiling beatifically and pretending that this is about encouraging interfaith dialogue.
Oh Horseshit. Give me a break! This is an intentionally and overtly aggressive act by the Muslims. Maybe these freako 12th century killers who follow the teachings of Mohamed could try renting some space in the Jewish community center rather than building their own place at Ground Zero.