Thursday, August 19, 2010

One Worlders

President Obama deeply believes that all people are basicly good. This includes Republicans, Muslims, and the Chinese. If he just bends far enough; compromises America's core values enough, that he can work out a friendship with these people.

This is the same attitude as the appeasement of the nazis before WWII. The appeasers would do almost anything to avoid a fight with Hitler, Mussolini, and the other racists and right wingers. In the end they were shown that in fact there are times when one has to stand up and be willing to fight for what one believes.

China is hurting our economy big time. The Obama administration needs to slap an across the board 20% tariff on everything coming into the country from China. Barack wants to talk rather than fight. The Republicans are racists who hate him and everything that he stands for. Instead of getting down and dirty with them he lashes out at his own supporters, the progressives and liberals of the Democratic party. No amount of compromise will make the GOP like him. They are a lost cause.

The Muslims have a religion which openly supports cutting off young girl's clitorises, and burning down their segregated schools if these women dare to try and get educated. They are completely intolerant of other religions and beliefs. America needs to stand up for its core values and fight the Muslims, not try the appeasement routine. It won't work.
