Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Mass Murder At A Beer Distributor

A 34 year old black truck driver for a beer distributor in Connecticut went on a killing rampage with his two 9 mm handguns after a disciplinary hearing where he has shown very clear video footage of himself stealing beer from the company. He mostly shot supervisors and other older white men. He killed eight beople. Later, after calling his mother on the phone, he shot himself and died.

Most of the employees of the firm are white, and the black truck driver felt that he had been treated with overt racism by the company's owners, supervisors, and his colleagues. Maybe they actually are mostly white racists, and they did say and do terrible things to him. This didn't give him to right to kill anyone. For goodness sake, he was the one who got caught openly stealing from the company.

If some or most of those 50 year old white managers had been armed with concealed handguns, it is probable that the death toll would have been reduced substantially. How often do bad guys or drugged up lunatics need to engage in this sort of mass murder before the innocent people will begin to see that they need to be able to protect themselves?

You don't need to be some kind of racist, low IQ, right wing gun phreak to recognize that the right of self protection is pretty basic. It is even enshrined in the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

