Military Strike Against Iran Inexorable Says ex-CIA Chief
Yesterday Michael Hayden, the top CIA man under Bush Jr. told CNN's State of the Union that a military strike against Iran now “seems inexorable.”
I believe in nuclear non-proliferation much more than most of these red neck Bush Republicans do. But openly saying on national TV that it has now become inevitable that the United States will go to war with Iran is total and complete lunacy. This guy Hayden needs to be involuntarily committed to a mental health institution, or maybe in one of those many secret CIA torture-prisons that Obama promised to close.
It is a real shame that North Korea, Pakistan, India, Israel, Russia, England, the U.S., and France all have nuclear bombs. The more spread of these weapons that we see, the more likely it becomes that sooner or later some weirdo, suicidal, religious-terrorist group which has little to lose will get their hands on one. Or that they will finally manage to make and then detonate a dirty conventional bomb.
This continued spread of nuclear weapons is a major problem. Right up there with the byproducts from our modern, improved lifestyle (air and water pollution) simultaneously destroying the planet's atmosphere and ruining our modern, improved lifestyle. But anyone who advocates going to war with Iran as a solution for nuclear proliferation is seriously mentally ill.
Before even considering taking on another war, we need to get totally out of Iraq. Not just combat troops. All troops, personnel, contractors and mercenaries, as well as all financial support. The same goes for Pakistan-Afghanistan. We just need to go home. All troops, all personnel, all mercenaries and contractors, all foreign aid, military aid, and any other financial support.
Then give the country at least 15 to 20 years without any wars to pay back some of the debt we incurred to fight these useless and unwinnable wars. By taking a wait-and-see attitude, maybe someone else will stand up and take some action. Or maybe internal opposition in Iran will solve the problem.
It is long past the time when America could afford to be the policeman for the entire world. Not to mention that over the last 40 years or so America has managed to support the wrong side of many (most?) conflicts. We really seem to be getting quite good at losing wars. This insanity has got to stop.