Sunday, July 04, 2010

Gun Control

This is an interesting picture from the Charleston Daily Mail. The article which goes along with it is short and to the point.

Robert A. Heinlein is one of my favorite authors. He was not some kind of a “gun phreak” but he said many times that, “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”

Just take a look at the places where it is virtually impossible for a normal citizen to own or carry a firearm...Chicago, Washington D.C., or Cd. Juarez Mexico. It is clear that criminals and people with evil intent are not deterred from gun ownership. But the normal law abiding citizens are prohibited from exercising their rights of self protection.

The ignorant lunatics who belong to fringe organizations which dress up in camouflage and run around the forest with assault rifles training for the day that they are going to take over the government do not represent the mass of normal citizens. In fact these right-wing racists and political fanatics are part of the problem. They are direct descendants from the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Clan.

Plain old hard working middle of the road American citizens need to be able to protect themselves from these weirdos. Professional hit men paid by the drug traffickers, crystal meth addicts, young drugged out punks, and the insane people with severe mental problems who return from multiple tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. There are lots of weird and dangerous folks running around. I'm not looking for trouble. Honest. I've always believed that it is better to make love than make war. But if someone threatens me with deadly force, I consider it to be a basic civil right that I can use whatever amount of force is necessary to protect myself, my property, or my loved ones from these maniacs.

The Supreme Court has made it clear that that they think the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution assures the individual the right of self protection which comes from carrying a loaded gun. Not just that organized state “militias” have the right to carry guns (they may be part of the problem). The 2nd Amendment guarantees the individual American citizen the right to own and possess loaded guns for his/her own self protection.

