Friday, June 18, 2010


The people who live near the Gulf of Mexico are rapidly descending into a state of despair. And maybe rightfully so. The more one learns about BP and the oil spill disaster, the more that despair seems like a completely appropriate reaction.

The Jews living in Israel are getting more-and-more paranoid and desperate. There are rumors that Iran has ships headed their way trying to incite violence and warfare. In all these years the Arabs still deny their right to exist as a state, and they keep shelling Israel and sending in rockets. Despair is an attitude that the Israelis can understand.

The number of millions of Americans who do not have health insurance and are denied access to health care continues to grow. The Obama plan does not incorporate single payer or a vigorous government option. It won't even affect most people for another few years. The greedy Republicans seem sincere about trying to overturn even this very weak and modest healthcare program. Despair doesn't seem entirely out of line.

The war in Afghanistan is going worse all the time. We are not going to be successful there. That has become clear. For all the kids who come home in a pine box or who do come home but are horribly screwed up physically or emotionally despair is common.

Most of America's senators and congressman are on the take. Corruption is rampant. Rather than being beholding to the voters who elected them they have sold their souls to the wealthy who provide the millions in campaign contributions. Campaign finance reform is simply not going to happen.

Global warming is real and is happening, but still is being denied. America is not doing anything meaningful to help.

Mexico is slowing imploding to the south of us. The Mexicans sure know the meaning of the word despair.

Not good.
