Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nuclear Proliferation

I have supported Israel for many years. I'm not Jewish. In the 1960's I liked the ideas behind the Kibbutzes. After visiting Israel and several nearby Islamic countries I cemented my admiration of Israel.

We now have come to the point where the hypocrisy of America (and Israel) having nuclear weapons, but not wanting anyone else to have them just doesn't sell anymore. I agree that Iran is an unstable country with a sick addiction to an ignorant, cruel, and perverted religion. But Israel also has its share of religious fanatics, as does America.

I certainly don't want Iran to get the bomb. North Korea, Pakistan, and India are enough unstable nuclear countries already. But how can we in good faith tell Iran that it is OK for Israel to have the bomb, but not you dishonest Islamic rag heads?

Israel cannot use their nuclear weapons anymore than we can. They are expensive ego trips that you simply cannot consider using in real life. When everyone else realizes that too, your little nuclear bombs become a giant liability rather than an asset.

Israel should agree to join the NPT and completely disarm itself of all nuclear weaponry in return for all their neighbors doing the same.

