President Obama's Biggest Mistake
President Obama should have brought guys like Paul Krugman and Michael Moore into his inner circle. Instead he packed his cabinet and inner most advisers with ex-Bush republicans, greed driven Wall Street types, and a variety of other dishonest center right wing people.
Rahm Emanuel recently called the progressives and liberals “fucking retards.” He then promptly apologized to the mentally retarded community, but not at all to the most intelligent and active wing of the Democratic party. Basically he held up his middle finger to us liberals and told us to just shut up and go get lost. Since President Obama did not object, one can only assume that this anti-progressive sentiment applies to him as well.
They felt that the progressives had no where else they could go, so it was just fine to completely ignore them and even savagely sell them out to the republicans on the wars, nuclear energy, financial reform, and single payer health care.
To paraphrase President Lyndon Johnson, “It is better to have them in the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.” It should be noted that some of the most important human rights legislation in the nation's history was rammed through Congress by LBJ during his tenure as president.
The Obama administration has now managed to totally demoralize its most important asset. Now that they need every hand on deck supporting the final push for Obama's “health care light” they find that many of the liberals and progressives are just standing by on the sidelines. The most dynamic people in his own Democratic party no longer trust President Obama. He has lied to them, sold them out so many times and on so many issues that Barack Obama is now almost assuredly well beyond the point of no return.
Let me restate this, because it is very important. For the most part liberals and progressives no longer feel that Barack Obama is an honorable man. They no longer trust his word. They think he is just another slick Chicago prevaricator.
What a lost opportunity; how terribly sad. I wonder what part of the word “mandate” it is that Mr. Obama does not understand.