Thursday, March 11, 2010

Final Push on Health Care Ultra Light

President Obama is in the midst of his final big surge to try and get his watered down, weak version of Obama style health care reform approved by Congress. He is asking all of his supporters to call their congressmen, etc. It is too bad that he so severely alienated the most vital and influential wing on the Democratic party, namely the progressives and the liberals. They are so demoralized by his lack of backbone that many are just standing by on the sidelines watching the disgusting chaos.

Barack Obama's top man called us liberals “fucking retards” because we actually wanted to make certain that all people in America had health care. UNIVERSAL health care. President Obama promptly made his guy apologize to the mentally challenged community, but to the progressives and the liberals in the Democratic party Mr. Obama basically held up his middle finger.

Not one single regulation has been re-implemented to stop the financial system from imploding again. And the Wall Street crooks are back to doing their crazy credit default swaps and derivatives which brought the house of cards tumbling down the first time.

President Obama has not ended the wars, instead he has increased the fighting and funding for the military. Barack Obama also showed his middle finger to the environmental community by solidly coming out in support of nuclear power.

During his campaign he supported the Single Payer method of implementing universal health care, but as soon as the going got a little bit rough he completely sold out the liberals on this idea. Then he did the same with the Public Option, and even Social Security Buy-In.

Barack Obama is charming and a good orator. But he has no strength of character. He has no strongly held ideals over which he is willing to draw a line in the sand. This man simply has no balls. What a pity.
