Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where Are All The Environmentalists?

Barack Obama has been saying that renewable energy resources like solar and wind power, and reduction of waste and conservation are just as green as nuclear power. All environmentalists know that this is a total load of hogwash. That is the nice way to say it. A more honest description would be that our President is being wildly disingenuous with the American public.

Obama is committing billions of dollars of our public tax dollars to nuclear energy, even though Wall Street and private capital managers are wise enough to avoid nuclear power plants like the plague.

Obama is increasingly looking like a well-read and articulate, but clueless retard. The question I have is where is the intellectual and moral outrage from the environmentalists? Have all of America’s environmentalists morphed into morbidly obese right-wingers who listen to AM radio, praise Glen Beck, and drive poor fuel economy SUVs?
