Rahm Emanuel
President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is well know for being more than a little unsophisticated and crude. He is currently in hot water for saying that he thinks liberals are “fucking retarded.”
His dishonest and corrupt buddies, the Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats, are the ones who are causing all this gridlock not the progressives and liberals.
The “fucking retarded liberals” are the ones responsible for Obama having gotten elected in the first place, but apparently Rahm Emanuel is too slow mentally to figure this out. The fact that President Obama surrounds himself with right wing bozos like this jerk is indicative of where Obama really is coming from.
At this rate Barack Obama is not going to end up being an effective one term president. He is going to end up being a one term president who will make Jimmy Carter seem like a towering bastion of leadership and backbone. The American voter sure was sold a bill of goods in Mr. Obama. Just another slimy Chicago politician.
What a pity for the country.