President Obama Comes Out Of The Closet As Pro-Nuclear
President Obama seems to be working his way down the list of his supporters intentionally alienating one group after another. His approach to economics is vintage Ronald Raygun. His economic policies and the economic advisers he has surrounded himself with both show a strong bias to the center right Republican ideology.
During the campaign he clearly supported single payer universal health care. This rapidly changed into him not supporting the far weaker government option or even a social security buy in. Part of the way he intended to pay for it all was to increase taxes on hourly middle class workers.
He let the pharmaceutical industry have a pass to do whatever they wanted at the expense of the American consumer. He lied to old people when he said right to their faces that his health care reform would not in any way diminish their benefits or coverage. As it turned out he intended all along to partially pay for it all with the money he would no longer be spending on old folks.
In foreign policy he said he would end the wars; but significantly increased the troop levels instead. An exit strategy seems more unlikely all the time. He really hasn't done much at all to help racial minorities or gay people. The effort to make abortion illegal is getting much stronger, and Obama has provided no leadership for allowing women the choice to make their own decision. Now he is kissing environmentalists goodby by focusing on nuclear energy rather than first going for genuine energy efficiency and conservation.
Doesn't he realize that all the Republican racists viciously hate him? There is no chance at all of getting their cooperation or support. And now he is progressively going down the list and burning his bridges with a large part of his Democratic Party support base. President Obama's head is now so far up his ass that he can no longer see any daylight at all.