Thursday, December 03, 2009

Star Trek Movie 2009

Space. The final frontier. To boldly go where no man has gone before. This movie is about the young James Tiberius Kirk; from his childhood to being the commander of the starship Enterprise.

(NOTE: Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, born Tiberius Claudius Nero, was the second Roman emperor. He was one of Rome’s greatest generals. His reign as emperor was from September 18, 14 AD - March 16, 37 AD.)

Although I don’t own a Star Trek uniform or any other Trekkie memorabilia I suppose it would be accurate to describe me as one. I have been a fan of Star Trek going back to the late 1960s. The guy who originated it, Gene Roddenberry, was born in my home town of El Paso, Texas. He grew up in Los Angeles though, so I guess the El Paso connection is pretty weak.

I especially liked Jean Luc Picard. Make it so! I still drink Earl Grey tea because of him.

This latest iteration is advertised as, “Not the Star Trek of your parents.” It would probably be more accurate to change this to grandparents. I just finished watching the movie on DVD. It really was quite good. Not perfect, and not quite up to the standards established by Patrick Stewart in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the feature films Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek Nemesis or the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

But still really enjoyable to watch and well worth your time.
