Gay Marriage
Yesterday the voters in the state of Maine conclusively decided to repeal the law which allowed gay marriage.
The homosexual community has been brutally discriminated against. Many straight (read normal, healthy) people feel incredibly threatened by the concept of two men having sex with each other. There is no doubt about the strength of their feelings. There is generally somewhat less fear of lesbians, but they also have felt the sting of discrimination, especially if they chose the military as a profession.
I want to go strongly on record in support of the privacy of one’s own bedroom. Civilized society needs to make certain that the “morality police” do not break down doors in the middle of the night to try and catch two people of the same sex engaged in a bit of fun or pleasure. This is the type of dark ages behavior that fundamentalist Christians, Muslims, and the Taliban would like to see implemented.
If two homosexuals want to live together and maintain a caring relationship, even one which includes regular pleasurable sex, that is alright with me.
But we must not ignore science and reason. The anus is intended to allow the discharge of waste by products. It was not designed to stretch so as to permit another man’s hard penis to be inserted. Doing so causes small cracks and tears which are wonderful places for pathogens to enter the body. This “butt fucking” behavior is one of the best ways to transmit diseases, including HIV-AIDS. As much as I admire Stephen Fry, I simply cannot support any form of sanction or affirmation of anal intercourse.
Gays deserve to be allowed into the hospital to see each other when one is sick or dying. Gays should not be openly discriminated against. Gays also deserve to suffer the indignities of the court system, loss of assets, alimony and perhaps even child support when they wish to terminate their relationship, just like normal straight people do when they get a divorce.
There are laws now in many states which sanction “domestic partnerships.” But to many gays this is not nearly enough. They want society to openly say that two people of the same sex can be “married” to each other. That from a societal perspective being a homosexual is just as good, positive, and healthy as being a heterosexual.
Marriage is an institution which encourages two people of the opposite sex to remain together in a relationship during the many years required for child rearing. Ideally a man and a woman form a relationship; they have sex with each other; they have one of more children; and then the two marital partners stay together until the kids are grown.
Many studies have confirmed that children raised in a situation where the mother and the father are both present turn out better than kids raised by single mothers. The kids from traditional marriages are healthier emotionally, physically, and do far better in school.
Anyone who has been married and has raised children knows that although child rearing is essential for the continuation of the species, and that while there are often some positive aspects to it, that in actual reality raising kids can often be about as close to being in hell as one can get without actually dying. Hence society has tried to provide various positive reinforcements to parents so as to encourage the man to stick around.
In Summary: Gays should not be discriminated against; nor should two people of the same sex be allowed to marry each other. Anal sex is extremely dangerous and unhealthy, thus it should be strongly discouraged by society.