Sunday, November 01, 2009


The number two man in the presidential runoff has decided to withdraw from the runoff election in Afghanistan. Considering the massive fraud which took place in the first election, and considering that the same election officials will be watching over this new runoff, he made what is probably a correct assessment that there was no way this could be a fair and honest election.

Yet the American secretary of state, Ms. H. Clinton, remained publicly optimistic and suggested that naturally the election should go ahead.

Even the most hawkish, red-neck military generals agree that the situation (war) in Afghanistan will only turn out positive for America if at least 85% of America’s effort and resources go towards diplomacy and efforts to improve the lives of ordinary Afghanistan citizens; with roughly 15% to authoritarian tactics like kicking down doors, bombing, and killing. Yet the administration of President Obama can’t seem to stand up to the military industrial complex much better than George W. Bush and his creepy torture czar Mr. Cheney.

After eight years of killings and a massive expenditure of money by America, we find that the civilian government in Afghanistan is still one of the very most corrupt in the entire world. The president of Afghanistan’s brother is one of the most powerful and corrupt warlords, and there is good evidence suggesting that he is intimately involved in both poppy growing and the sales of opium and heroin.

The Muslim religious extremists who brought down the two world trade center towers did most of their training in Germany and the USA. These Muslim anti-American groups have taken advantage of the internet as much as anyone else, and they are now only very loosely associated with any specific country including Afghanistan or Pakistan.

It is time to say adios to the country of Afghanistan. We need to stop wasting lives and money. This part is simple and clear.

In Pakistan Ms. H. Clinton was openly criticized by a group of well educated female doctors and lawyers. They rightly told her that unmanned American drones are engaging in summary executions in Pakistan, without the hindrances of rules of evidence, a judge, or a jury. It is hard to fault their logic. The behavior of the American military has clearly been undemocratic. Yet Pakistan has the atom bomb, which these suicidal Muslim terrorists would love to get their hands on. Pakistan is indeed far more dangerous to American interests than Afghanistan.

Neither country has exhibited any strong tendencies towards desiring Democracy, and frankly the tactics employed by America in both countries have often not comported with Democratic principles.

It certainly is time to refuse any increase in military personnel fighting these useless overseas wars which are guaranteed to fail. No increases, not in spending, civilian contractors, nor in troops. Then over the next few years the troop levels should be gradually reduced and the spending on the military drastically reduced.
