Last night (October 22, 2009) on PBS television there was an excellent interview of the former prime minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew by Charlie Rose. The television guy Rose kept rudely interrupting this gentleman, but despite Rose’s arrogance and discourtesy it was an excellent interview.
Lee Kuan Yew is silver haired, but his thoughts are more modern, sensible, well thought out, and up-to-date than most of the 25 to 30 year old Americans I know. He has a more accurate picture of America and its role during the next century than anyone I have ever heard speak. It was a true pleasure to absorb his thoughts.
He had many wonderful insights, but one that sticks in my mind are his observations about immigration. Both Japan and China fail to receive enough immigrants. Immigration can be very helpful to a country, and certainly has been proven to be extremely useful to America. But not immigration by common laborers and fruit pickers. What has helped America prosper so much is the immigration by responsible, educated, intelligent, hard working people. The doctors, computer specialists, and physicists who are not allowed the freedoms in their native countries that we take for granted in America.
His view on China and how America should react to China’s growth and its fundamental acceptance of capitalism and the free market was nothing short of outstanding.