Anyone who has taken freshman economics in college should be able to deduce from this graph that the American economy is in serious trouble. I copied this graph from Professor Paul Krugman’s blog:
All the deregulation and the greed-games which have been played starting with President Ronald Reagan have caused serious long term damage to the American economy.
China and India are now rising. The massive theft and fraud on Wall Street is still being allowed by the federal government; even after the “great recession.” The economy may actually be more dangerous and unstable now than it was before the real estate bubble burst.
Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Spain, and Italy all were massively powerful and successful economies at one time. But like with General Motors in Detroit, if enough bad decisions are made over a sufficiently long period of time, it really is quite possible to damage a company or a country’s economy so badly that it finally achieves a status which is beyond repair.
It is beginning to look like the greed and massive corruption in Washington, D.C. seems to have damaged the U.S.A. beyond the point of no return.
I guess this is just the history of mankind. Rise and Fall. It seems so sad when it is your own country that is falling, but I guess it is just part of the scheme of things. The religious folks would say that this is just God or Allah’s will. Maybe, but I don’t think that massive theft, misrepresentation, and greed fit well into the scheme of most successful religions.
All the deregulation and the greed-games which have been played starting with President Ronald Reagan have caused serious long term damage to the American economy.
China and India are now rising. The massive theft and fraud on Wall Street is still being allowed by the federal government; even after the “great recession.” The economy may actually be more dangerous and unstable now than it was before the real estate bubble burst.
Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Spain, and Italy all were massively powerful and successful economies at one time. But like with General Motors in Detroit, if enough bad decisions are made over a sufficiently long period of time, it really is quite possible to damage a company or a country’s economy so badly that it finally achieves a status which is beyond repair.
It is beginning to look like the greed and massive corruption in Washington, D.C. seems to have damaged the U.S.A. beyond the point of no return.
I guess this is just the history of mankind. Rise and Fall. It seems so sad when it is your own country that is falling, but I guess it is just part of the scheme of things. The religious folks would say that this is just God or Allah’s will. Maybe, but I don’t think that massive theft, misrepresentation, and greed fit well into the scheme of most successful religions.