Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where Do We Go From Here?

About 100 years before I was born it became obvious to most reasonable people in America that slavery had to be ended. It was also understood that under the law black people had to be treated equally to white people. Unfortunately there were some ignorant white supremacists who could not accept this. They were a minority, but a fairly large and vocal one. Probably 30% of the American population felt strongly enough about this racial issue that they were perfectly willing to destroy the country over it.

Now 150 years later America has its first black president. It is almost like history is repeating itself. It has become completely obvious to most reasonable people that Universal Health Care must be implemented. There are people dying unnecessarily, and America is the last western democracy to accept that universal health care is a right, not a rich man’s privilege.

And the same types of fanatics are doing everything they can to stop the efforts at including everyone in the health care system. They are also using this as their main issue in trying to destroy the nation’s first black president.

The people who oppose extending health care coverage to the 50 million people in America who are uninsured are increasingly behaving like dangerous, wild eyed lunatics. They are bringing loaded assault rifles to health care discussion forums, and they are fostering all sorts of monstrous lies.

It is difficult to see how this can all turn out good. It sure feels like when two people are inexorably moving towards the break up of their relationship. I have no idea where this is going to end up, but it doesn’t seem like either side is inclined towards giving up. In fact quite the opposite.

The progressives are increasingly realizing that they are taking the moral high ground, so they understand that they can’t possibly give up.
The ignorant right wing racists who oppose extending health care to the uninsured are being led by fanatics and weirdoes. They think that the more chaos they can generate, the more inept it makes President Obama look. The anti-health care reactionaries are not bright enough to realize that the rest of the country (and the world) is just looking on in disgust and horror at their stupidity.