Saturday, August 08, 2009

Sick Bastards

The people living in America who actually enjoy watching people suffer and die because they cannot afford the American health care system are sadistic bastards. People like this should not be allowed to call themselves Americans.
I would not associate with a Nazi prison guard who takes pleasure in sending people to their death in gas chambers. Nor would I willingly associate with members of the KGB secret police, or someone who in the 21st century still supports slavery. Rapists, murderers, and child molesters too.
I feel the same way about the greedy and racist right-wing sadists who take pleasure in watching others suffer and die. I don't want them involved with my life in any way, and I sure wouldn't call one of these revolting creatures a “friend.” They need to go join their perverted buddies with Al Qaida and the Taliban.
If President Obama walked on water, these Republican racists and right wing fanatics would say that he couldn’t swim. These sick bastards are beneath my contempt.
Click on this chart over to the right. It will enlarge. It tells it all.

One hundred and fifty years ago America had similar right wing fanatics who believed in the inherent racial superiority of white people and wanted slavery to continue. Their fanaticism was so intense that families were broken apart. My own family had officers fighting for both the Union Army and for the Confederacy.

These ignorant right wingers are filthy and disgusting. They make me want to vomit.