A friend of mine recently told me that what we really need right now is Ron Paul. I have avoided this little man, thinking of him as just another squeaky voiced weirdo. So I went to his web site and read about him and his positions.
One of his main ideas is less government. This Republican idea of less governmental interference on rich people making loads of money is what got us deregulation and hence the biggest worldwide financial collapse since the 1930’s.
Lowering taxes while continuing to wage expensive wars has almost bankrupted the United States. What a dumb ass. These outmoded ideas are from Reagan and the Bush dynasty. Revenue from taxes must equal expenditures.
Ron Paul is a big fan of totally free markets. Free markets which are not properly regulated screw the common man horribly while allowing the rich to get even richer on the backs of the working man. Unregulated markets inevitably go from boom to bust, with the poor people being hit hardest.
This guy is just another loser fanatic Republican.