I was raised as a Christian. As a child my family went to Church every Sunday. In America in the 1950’s and early 1960’s it was considered the respectable thing to do. I was baptized and later I was confirmed in the American Anglican Church (I no longer wish to be associated with the religious fanatics who call themselves Episcopals). In my late 20’s I got re-born in a church where the pastor strummed an acoustic guitar and sang during the service.
My retired doctor in England is one of the world’s top researchers in leukemia. He has an absolutely brilliant analytical mind and a fantastic memory. Even so he is a true believer in all the myths and fairy tales of Christianity. He has faith, and no doubt he believes that Mary got pregnant without ever having had sex. I’m sure that he believes in spontaneously combusting bushes, walking on water, parting the waters of the sea in order to trek across the sea bed, making wine from water, and coming back to life after your body has been laying there at room temperature decomposing for three days.
This sort of delusional behavior used to be seen as being devout. At one time it was considered positive to have these sorts of hallucinations. Talking in tongues was cool and was serious proof of one’s “faith.”
Now I look at these poor deluded religious fanatics in much the same way that I would view a gutter alcoholic or a heroin addict. I feel sorry for them, but I shy away from any close contact with them because of their potentially dangerous and irrational behavior.
I will not pretend that I am a complete atheist. When I lie outside at night and view all the billions of stars it is hard to not believe in something superior to homo sapiens.
But I am totally opposed to all ORGANIZED religion. That means Christian, Judaism, Unitarians, Islam, Modern Day Saints, Hindu, Buddhist, or Shinto. You name it. They are all horribly evil institutions full of holy men on power trips and strange myths which cause the adherents of one religion to go to war with people who believe in a different set of fairy tales and Gods. How sick.