Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The National Debt

On the news almost every night you see some Republican elected official claiming that the Democrats like to tax-and-spend, and that these progressive and liberal Democrats are going to bankrupt the country. They like to wrap themselves in the flag and claim that the Republicans are the people who are fiscally responsible.

The polite way to describe this is to say that it is just so much hogwash. A far more honest description would be to call the Republicans damn liars.

The three most irresponsible presidents America has had since the Great Depression have all been Republicans. Ronald Reagan and Bushes I and II.

Even during the massive spending during the Vietnam War, during the Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson, the national debt continued to decrease. The national debt went down during the Carter presidency, and even during Slick Willie’s time at the helm.

The Democrats are the ones who discharge their duties as elected officials in a conscientious fashion.

The Republicans wonder why their political party is dying? It is because they are a bunch of dishonest, racist, red neck liars.