Thursday, July 23, 2009

Henry Louis Gates Jr

Certain personality types are attracted to certain professions. These are not stereotypes, they are realities.

Fighter pilots in the air forces around the world tend to be highly self confident (read a little arrogant). An entirely different personality type fits in best and prospers in the profession of lab technician.

There are some well educated, well rounded and sensitive police officers. But even many cops will privately admit that many of their colleagues are heavy handed, emotionally unstable, politically right wing types who get off on being on a little bit of a power trip. Worldwide the law enforcement profession is commonly known for their rampant dishonesty, and sometimes even for their corruption.

No doubt Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was suffering from jet lag when the Cambridge police accosted and arrested him in his upper class home. If he had just been some gutter alcoholic or crack addicted prostitute I’m sure he wouldn’t have been arrested for calling the cops racists. I’ll bet that their lower class upbringing and poor education caused them to be really offended that a black man could be a Harvard professor and live in such a fine house.

You can be certain that if Professor Gates had been a white male he certainly would not have been arrested. The cops would have probably helped him with the stuck door. My guess is that Professor Gates was 100% right, and the Cambridge police were behaving like 100% racist red necks.