Monday, May 11, 2009

Land Of The Free, Home Of The Brave

Lots of Canadians, British, French, Germans, and Australians know a dirty little secret about America that most Americans cannot seem to admit to themselves.

America is by far the most brutal and cruel country among all of the advanced western democracies. Americans have heard and then repeated the propaganda about the “American Dream” so many times that now they can’t even seem to question it. They blindly believe all this hogwash, almost like it was some kind of religious faith.

America does not have the highest standard of living. Not by a long shot. America has a much higher percentage of people in jail than any other advanced country. Infant mortality is way below the top of the list and so is life expectancy (which is getting worse). Our system of voting in our “democratic” elections is rife with fraud, and our politicians continually receive bribes from the special interests they are supposed to regulate (these politicians call it campaign contributions). After all these years women and people with darker skin still have vastly fewer opportunities for success than white men do.

There are tens of millions of people in America who do hot have health insurance. Tough luck Bubba. If you weren’t so lazy and incompetent, the company you worked for loyally for 25 years wouldn’t have moved offshore.

I have leukemia. People with leukemia are much more susceptible to secondary cancers like skin cancer and lung cancer. But because I live in the land of Freedom and the Home of the Brave, I am uninsurable.
Get this logic: Since I am sick I am denied access to the health care system of America. And people wonder why there is so much anger in America.