Friday, May 08, 2009

Gay Marriage

Most well educated, worldly wise people seem to be in favor of gay marriage. I certainly think women are desirable and sexy, so I can see why many other women would feel the same way. Two men engaging in the disease transmission risky behavior of anal sex fits into an entirely different category.

I am in favor of non-discrimination against gay people. I sure don’t want a bunch of red necks with badges busting into someone’s bedroom at night to make sure that the two people involved in the sex act are not members of the same sex. That strikes me as something that the Taliban, Muslim extremists, and poorly educated right wing fundamentalist Christians would favor. Some Catholic priests apparently would be very aroused by being allowed to watch this.

When a woman and a man decide to share their DNA and make a baby, and then they make a commitment to remain together for many years in order to try and raise the kid(s) in the most effective manner, that is certainly a courageous choice. As a parent and a multiple divorcee I can attest to just how difficult it is to live with someone peacefully, and to form a committed team in order to raise your child properly.

Viewed from many different perspectives it seems clear that on average children who are raised by their biological mother and their biological father turn out better than kids who are raised in single parent environments. Extended families, like grandparents being around, helps too. It is vital to the continuation of our species that women and men continue to share their DNA and make babies. And then do what is necessary to raise them properly!

Society (and the government) should encourage a woman and a man to make children and then live together in a familial environment to raise the kids. Whether it is more favorable tax status, educational tax credits, government paid health care for pregnant females and for children, free child care, free education, etc., the government should be using our common taxpayer dollars in order to encourage childbearing in an environment which will result in healthy kids.

So if the gays insist that they want to use the title called “marriage” to apply to their relationships, then I say it is time to stop fighting about it. Let them.

Let’s just make another category defined by a different word where one woman and one man make a baby, and then live together in a familial unit to raise the kid. If they manage to stay together until the kid is say 18 years old, then the government would give them all sorts of bonuses, pensions, and other tremendous financial benefits. But if they separate or divorce, then all of this government subsidy would go away.

We have to openly admit that a man-woman partnership is the best way to raise a kid. We need to have the courage and strength of character to stand up and say this to our gay friends.