In America when one graduates from High School, or University, or gets married for the first time, the socially correct thing to do is to post by snail mail short hand-written notes to one’s older relatives and acquaintances. This is common courtesy. These don’t need to be expensive, specially printed invitations. Actually short personalized notes are even better.
An email inviting the older relative to the graduation which neglects to indicate the date, time, or place of the special event is probably insufficient, and might even be viewed as rude.
When the older relative receives the written note, the courteous thing to do is for the old geezer to quickly post back by snail mail a short note of congratulations along with a check.
In the era of cell phone messaging, not using capital letters and proper punctuation, twitter, MySpace, and blogs, the courteous manner of dealing with these one-time special events in life has not altered at all.