Sunday, May 24, 2009

Choose Your Battles Carefully

If I were an adviser to Obama or one of his close confidants, here is what I would tell him. Choose Your Fights Carefully.

One hundred years from now the Muslims and the Arabs will still hate the Jews. Do what you can to help, for sure, but realize that no matter what you do this problem is not going to be solved during your time as President. The same goes for the warlords in Pakistan and Afghanistan, achieving world peace, stopping nuclear proliferation, ending corruption in Mexico, and putting an end to poverty in America.
You should only give it your all when there is at least some remote chance that you might actually succeed. Single payer, universal coverage health care falls into this category.

If you marshal your forces carefully, the time is right. You might actually have a chance of wining this battle. And if you do, millions of people who currently cannot go to a doctor would have that opportunity. This would be a massive and truly meaningful success. This would save more lives than anything the American military can possibly accomplish with bombs and guns. You could go down in American history as more important than FDR…or at least in the same league as him and Lincoln.

In the twenty-first century health care is no longer considered to be a privilege that only the wealthy and powerful landowners deserve. It is now almost universally accepted that it is a basic human right which even the serfs and field slaves should have. But you appear to be distancing yourself from universal health care, instead you are only calling for extremely minor reforms. Like implementing computerized record keeping. This is demeaning, condescending, pompus, and shameful. Barack, just how stupid do you think the American people are?

Don’t forget where you came from. You are just a skinny, half white, half immigrant lawyer from a single parent family who plays pretty good basketball. And who still smokes cigarettes behind closed doors in the closet.
Many people thought that you were the right man in the right place at this moment in history. As much as anything you were elected because you had the very most liberal voting record of anyone in the U.S. Senate. And you have a nice, soothing voice like Ronald Rayguns. You don’t have much more going for you than your wonderful eloquence and the President’s bully pulpit. So use the power you’ve got to accomplish something truly meaningful.

There is another piece of advice I would like to give Obama: Lead your life like you are going to be a single term president. It will sharpen your mind and make you much more brave and effective. If in the back of your mind you always have nagging at you what effect a certain action will have on your future career in politics, you will end up being an ineffective and lousy president.