Flea Market
At the flea market this morning I bought some tamales from the same itinerant vendor that I usually do. While I was getting my money out and putting the tamales in bag I intentionally dropped the leash for my dog. He won’t run off. The leash is only for the people…some folks are frightened by dogs.
The tamales guy knows us well, and he has really fallen for my little dog. He was concerned that Inu might run off, so he picked up the leash. He wanted to know if Inu had ever had any puppies. Of course the conversation was 100% in the Spanish language. I think he was hoping to get one of Inu’s puppies. I answered that no he hasn’t. So he asked if he had been “operada”, i.e. operated on. In English we would say fixed or neutered but apparently in Spanish the word is operada. I think that in Mexico it is less common for a dog to have his testicles cut off than it is here in America.
A little later an old woman and I guess her granddaughter just fell in love with Inu. They were rubbing him and scratching him. He was in heaven. They had something interesting for sale. I asked them if they knew anything about it’s origin (using the Spanish language of course) but they didn’t. It is a home made three-ring binder prominently marked Emily Dickinson. They were asking $1 for it.
I can imagine a doting father or grandfather having made this binder for some little girl. Emily Dickinson was a poet from the 1800’s that pre-pubescent girls seem especially drawn to. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_dickinson
A few meters on a vendor that we often see waved at me. Inu and I went over. He asked again what Inu’s name was and apologized for not remembering it. Among other things he had a water proof military issue thermometer carrying case about 7 inches long (180mm) which will make an excellent Geocache. He wanted $3 for it, but before I could even say anything (such as “Wow, what a great price.”) he said, but for you it is $2-.
Then we passed the fresh fruit stand who we normally buy from. For $4 we bought a week’s worth of bananas and some really, really beautiful tomatoes still attached to their vines.
We had a nice time at the Socorro, Texas flea market today. We usually do enjoy going there, but it was special today.