Sunday, March 15, 2009

AIG - All In Greed

The press is reporting that AIG is planning huge bonuses after the $170 billion bailout. This is a company which is now owned 80% by the federal government.

The Treasury Secretary for the Obama administration says that the $165 million of bonuses to people in the financial products division of AIG cannot legally be stopped. These are the same people who wrote all the credit default swaps which bankrupted the company.

Oh horse hockey. Get real. How stupid and out of touch are you Geithner? I am about to conclude that you really are as stupid as you look. Just declare Force Majeure and do it. Let the chips fall where they may. The courts can finally decide it after years of fighting and appeals.

If the Obama administration keeps supporting Wall Street’s lunacy like this we are going to be in even deeper trouble than we are now.

The voters in a democracy don’t really know a new candidate until he has been elected and then has served in office for a while. It is beginning to appear dangerously like Obama may be just a good talker. It may end up that the rich continue to get even richer, more people lose their jobs and their houses, and the poor keep getting poorer.

On the issue of health care the debate is continuing to shift away from how to actually achieve 100% universal health care in America and all of the people who are under-insured, to how to moderately lower the cost of health care to the people who are insured. By computerizing the record keeping. It is looking like we will lower somwhat the troop levels in Iraq instead of getting us completely out of Iraq, and that the majority of these soldiers will just move over to Afghanistan.

The Chinese have now officially warned us that they are beginning to get nervous about the safety of all the money that they invested in U.S. Treasury Bills. I really can’t say that I blame them.

Barack. Solid as a Rock. I’m sorry man, but I’m beginning to have some doubts. Not yet about your integrity, but it might eventually even come to that.
One of my friends who I respect the very highest lives in Belgium. Here is his response:

You can’t change the World in a month. You can’t do it in four years. If you want a second term then tread lightly and save the best for last.

I would be disappointed if Obama took on the establishment head on… Heroic but foolish and if he bites the sand then who will replace him?

Greed and opportunism are what America was built on when times were rough and those were the qualities you survived on. You can’t expect a nation to grow into adulthood in just 2 ½ centuries.

These kind of changes usually take a bloody revolution to change. Those who have will fight to keep.Remember JFK… His only mistake was to try and stop a very profitable war.
