Saturday, February 28, 2009


Astrology and horoscopes are not a proper foundation to build one’s life upon. Neither is a belief in the power of crystals or pyramids.

An unquestioning belief in talking snakes, walking on water, magical conversion of water into wine, a belief in spontaneously combusting burning bushes, men living for 3 days inside of whales or big fish, virgin births, and other miracles is just not much better.

Delusion and fantasy. The opiate of the masses. Yes, no doubt about it.

The only problem is, kids being raised in the early 21st century are not being inculcated with the essential concepts of ethics, morality, and hard work which make living with other people possible. Christianity may be stupid, but in general the 10 commandments are pretty good advice,

Religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam certainly have caused more wars and bloodshed over the years than they have prevented. These ancient thousand year old religions are not an appropriate solution to mankind’s innate aggressiveness.

Maybe Obamaism is the answer. Really.  I have more respect and faith in Barack than I do in some Jewish carpenter who allegedly lived 2,000 years ago.