Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reducing The Government Budget Deficit

In today’s newspapers The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times both are reporting on Barack Obama's first budget, and his plan to cut the deficit in half by the end of his term. -- LINK:,0,2722743.story

Both newspapers report that the reductions will come primarily from higher taxes on the wealthy and lower spending in Iraq. Very good Mr. President. Your true colors are coming out. And they are wonderful!

If there is one primary lesson that can be learned from the current recession-depression, it is that governments, corporations, households, and individual people cannot continue year-after-year to spend more than they make. The Republican political party in America likes to spread the myth that they are the fiscally conservative party. Living within your means, etc. But the reality is that from President Reagan through President Bush II, every time that the Republicans have been in charge they have lowered taxes and increased spending. They just don’t seem to get it.

Barack is going to need everyone’s help with this. As powerful as the President of The United States is, the super-rich minority will certainly win this battle unless there he receives massive support from normal Americans.

This will be a clear showdown demonstrating whether America actually has a democracy which does what the voters want, or whether on the really important issues the decisions are made in darkness by shadowy powerful and wealthy people who make enormous campaign contributions to the politicians.