Friday, February 06, 2009

Is Obama Too Moderate?

I recevied an email from a friend overnight which is pretty inflamatory and cutting. It talks about Obama's Betrayal. His email begins by saying the following:

"Just two weeks after his historic inauguration ceremony, Obama's presidency is lurching towards failure, and not because three of his administration picks have been found to be tax cheats (as are most of the very rich in the congress and senate), but because nearly all of his administration picks are corporate whores and shills.
The problem with the new Obama administration is that it is turning out to be not about change at all, as he claimed during the campaign, but rather about more of the same—and these are not times that call for more of the same. Nor is more of the same the reason Obama won the election."

My friend really is not an evil person. He can be a bit arrogant at times, but basically he is a good man. He sends out a fair amount of “conspiracy theory” stuff, so my guess is that this is just more of that twilight zone, fringe type stuff.

The fact is that President Obama is striking genuine fear into the hearts of the greedy, abusive rich folks. That seems like a pretty good sign to me.

He actually did have the very best voting record of any United States Senator. A better voting record than Ted Kennedy and certainly a more positive track record than that old gal who is now Obama’s Secretary of State. The Republicans in congress are so frightened that they are voting in mass to oppose anything that President Obama’s administration supports. Unthinking, unquestioning. Just against any and all that Obama might be for.

What a way to rebuild the Republican political party. They are not saying, “We support this policy, and we are for that.” Rather the Republicans are dishonestly pretending to be thoughtful and open-minded while in actual fact they wring their hands and shake their fists while moaning about class warfare and that “darky” and his fellow traveler liberals who have taken over the White House.

President Obama is going to have a fight on this hands in congress. Any legislation which helps out the middle class instead of the super-wealthy is going to be fought tooth and nail by the Republicans.

Well, it goes with the territory. No one said this was going to be easy. The wealthy right wingers have gotten used to not having to obey laws or regulations. Taking advantage of the vast majority of citizens in America for their own narrow interests has been the norm for many years now. This change back in the direction of fairness is coming as a big shock to them.

Imposing salary limits of $500,000 per year and suggesting that maybe in a few cases these greedy criminals who defrauded the American people might be held accountable is striking genuine fear into the hearts of these right wingers. That seems quite appropriate to me.