Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don’t Think Everyone Will Love You Mr. President

Many people hated FDR. One of the nicest men I know grew up in the deep south. He is well educated and doesn’t appear to be a racist, but he certainly grew up in that environment. But even to this day he passionately hates FDR. He was born in 1932, so he was just a baby at the time. Apparently his parents and the culture he grew up in left really strong second hand memories.

These people hate FDR because much like President Lincoln, he continued the process of ending oppression of poor people by the outrageously wealthy minority at the top. Barack, if you do the proper things you can be certain that most of the Republican members of Congress will hate you. So will the Wall Street bankers and all of the wanna-be’s who aspire to this same kind of greed and excess.

Don’t think that any human being can “cross the party lines” and convince these right wing bastards that justice for poor people or people of color is a good idea. These reactionaries really don’t care if millions of people in America do not have access to the health care system. They don’t give a shit. Really.

You are not going to bring these ignorant racists over. Accept reality and please take off those rose colored glasses. And get down to work. You were allegedly a community organizer, well let’s see your stuff Mr. President.

Million of people are depending upon you to do the right thing. And if you do, then you will be soundly hated by most of the rich folks on the political right. Just face it and get on with it.
A friend of mine from The Netherlands comments:
Maasbree, Wednesday morning Febr. 18 th. ‘09

Good morning Paul,

I couldn’t agree more, it’s exactly like you’ve worded it.

One cannot convince everyone. In fact, it’s sometimes simply best to agree that one doesn’t agee and to carry on trying to improve things in accordance with one’s own ideas.

Barack Obama now is in the best possible position, given the circumstances though, to push through some well overdue improvements, like the healthcare basics for all. It it hadn’t been for George Bushes rather poor/bad approach towards various subjects, it might have been that we would not have Obama in the position were he is today … so I guess, indeed there is a pro on every con in life.

Now, indeed, doing the right things, isn’t going to make everyone applause … sure hope it’s not going to stop the right stuff to be done.

At the least the start looks promissing ! But … the flowers most likely are only to be given at the end of the race.

Greetings from NL,

