Sunday, January 11, 2009

Colored Doggie Poo

My little friend eats mostly Pedigree brand dry and canned dog food. Although at lunch he does get a little super-lean ground beef cooked in the microwave and mixed with some dry dog food.

But occasionally he does get a treat of a little human food. He really likes barbacoa burritos. After going to the flea market on Sunday mornings we many times get some menudo. He likes the tripe. Yesterday we bought some red chile pork tamales. These are among his favorites. So at lunch yesterday we both had the genuine pleasure of eating these red tamales.

I don’t usually pay too much attention to his poo, as long as it is out-of-doors; i.e., not on the nice white woolen carpet that I brought from Europe.

This morning when we were out on our walk in the desert my little buddy had a nice bowel movement. Not too lose or anything, completely normal. Except I happened to notice the coloration of his poo…distinctly orange-reddish.

Exactly the color of the red chile in yesterday’s tamales!