Saturday, January 24, 2009

CAPITALS, lower case letters, and Proper Punctuation

Many young people (and some old geezers too) nowadays think that it makes them seem cool or hip if they refuse to capitalize the first letter of a sentence.

I even know young people who are school teachers who sometimes write without using any capital letters. School teachers! Can you imagine? No wonder kids get out of school not having learned anything today.

I have some news for those people who think that using only lower case (or all upper case) letters when typing makes them seem up-do-date, hip, or cool.

It makes them look lazy, ignorant, self-centered, and stupid. Using both upper and lower case letters, along with proper punctuation, makes what is written down be much more readable and far more understandable. Communication is greatly improved.

So if you don’t care at all whether people will understand what you are writing, and you are too lazy to hit the Shift key, then don’t use any capital letters. It will make the reader’s job more difficult, proving that you are self-centered too.