Gay Marriage
I am male and heterosexual. I have been married to (and divorced from) three delightful, beautiful, and wonderfully randy young ladies.
I basically got married for all the typical male reasons. Boobs, intercourse, drank too much, etc. Once I performed the act in order to have a child. And when I got divorced, each time I ended up giving my ex-wife an awful lot of money.
Probably my three divorces can be credited for the financial success I had over the course of my career. I simply HAD TO earn a good living so that I could pay my ex-wives.
From my perspective of being single for a good many years now, I think wanting to get married borders on total lunacy. Get a dog or a cat. Really. Marriage is subsidized by society because it is so incredibly expensive and such a pain in the ass to raise children properly.
If two lesbians want to live together, be a life long team, and also kiss and perform cunlingus on each other regularly, I think that is simply wonderful. And if two gay men want to live together and have regular anal sex I think they are stupid as shit and just begging to get AIDS. In neither situation does society have some basic interest in supporting the living-together relationship by defining it as a marriage.
I certainly don’t want the police or the government breaking down the doors of people’s bedrooms in the middle of the night to catch these homosexuals performing their sex acts. I really don’t care what they do sexually as long as they are both adults and each party consents. But I don’t want society subsidizing it.