Saturday, September 13, 2008

Satire - Sort Of

The good news about Sarah Palin:

1. She is a gun freak and normally carries a concealed firearm.

2. Her 17 year old unmarried daughter had sex and is now pregnant. Teenage boys will love the example that this would set for the nation.

3. When she was younger she enjoyed being a beauty queen and was into parading around her beauty in front of guys.

The bad news about Sarah Palin:

1. She is Rush Limbaugh’s candidate.

2. She believes creationism should be taught in school as equal to evolution.

3. She doesn’t believe global warming is caused by human activity.

4. Palin was 100% in favor of the “bridge to nowhere” until it was cancelled. Then she changed over to opposing it. But the money was still sent to Alaska anyway, and she sure didn’t refuse it.

5. The pit bull with lipstick is just as ready to be president as George Bush II was when he was first elected. And as he still is after eight years of on the job experience.
6. I have three ex-wives who I didn't properly vet either.
7. Read this article: