Thursday, September 11, 2008

Losing Wars

Today is September 11. It is my plan to fly my American flag today.

It has been many years now since Osama Bin Laden and his Muslim fanatics hijacked all the airplanes and knocked down both of the world trade center buildings in New York City.

Although I served in the U.S. Army after graduating from college and have a couple of medals and an honorable discharge from the military, I freely admit that I don’t know how to fight wars, much less how to win wars. But apparently neither do the top American military guys.

The allies won WWII, but it was touch and go at times. This war clearly had to be won. Hitler was evil, the Nazis were evil and it just had to be stopped.

But since then things have gradually gone downhill. Or maybe it is because the U.S.A. has been fighting wars when we should have been engaging in diplomacy or some other options.

We did not actually win the Korean war but at least we didn’t lose it. We got our asses kicked in Vietnam, just like the French did in Indochina before us.

Many people are still trying to figure out why we even fought the war in Iraq. No one who is intellectually honest can say that we won this war. And in today’s news we read that the Chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff, so the top professional military guy in America, says in a report in the Washington Post that we are not winning the war in Afghanistan either.
WASHINGTON — The nation's top military officer offered a blunt assessment of the war in Afghanistan on Wednesday, saying that although victory is possible, the current strategy isn't necessarily leading in that direction.
"I am not convinced that we're winning it in Afghanistan," said Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

No wonder so many people around the world don't admire or respect Amercia any more.
And now it has come out that President Bush II issued secret written orders more than a month ago authorizing American troops to enter and fight in Pakistan too.  Does the American Congress in Washington D.C. have no balls at all?  Why don't they stand up to this poor sick man?  