Government Bail Outs
The policies of deregulation have now been completely discredited.
For some time it has been becoming more and more clear that unregulated markets and wild west lawless capitalism is a prescription for boom-and-bust and disaster.
We have now seen the Republicans in America engage in the biggest bail outs of the rich and the financial markets in the history of mankind. Bush II and his fellow travelers have effectively nationalized Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG. This is socialism in its sickest form.
They are perfectly happy to spend many hundreds of billion of dollars to bail out the super rich Wall Street types. But because they have squandered the country’s resources on warfare for so many years, they can’t find the money to help out the 50 million people who do not have health insurance. And they don’t want to find the money to make the American old age retirement program financially stable.
What terribly misplaced priorities these people have.
Welfare and government bailouts for the super-rich. Tough love for the middle and working classes. Whatever happened to Of the People, By the People, and For the People?